Plus, stress raises the levels of the hormone cortisol, which increases oil production and can lead to bouts of acne, according to Jacob. 因此,睡眠不足直接威胁着细胞的更新代谢。此外,压力荷尔蒙还会提升体内激素皮质醇的水平,导致皮肤油脂分泌过剩,引发痘痘。
But the mineral oil impedes this process, allowing toxins to accumulate, which can promote acne and other disorders. 但是矿物油阻碍了该过程,使毒素堆积,会造成痤疮和其它紊乱。
Contain natural moisturizing factor and crystal cleaning ingredients, remove dirt, harmful bacterium and surplus oil, prevent acne. 天然保湿成分与天然水晶洁净成分的配合,去除污垢、害细菌及过剩油脂,防止粉刺暗疮的形成。
Assist to thoroughly remove oil and acne dirt, penetrate into pores, peel off dead epidermis cells and dredge pipes of sebum gland. 在帮助彻底清洁面部油垢的同时深入毛孔,去除表皮坏死细胞促使皮脂腺管畅通无阻塞。
An oil that works effectively for acne, surgery, burns, chicken pox, wound and other scars problem. 消除疤痕和麻点对痤疮、手术、烧伤、水痘、伤口、和切口导致的疤痕都有效。
Regularize oil secretion, prevent acne, remove acne before it causes hurt to skin. 调节油脂分泌,预防青春痘,将暗疮在没有对皮肤造成伤害之前清走。
Tea tree essential oil can also be used has a treatment for cold sores, acne, verrucae and warts. 茶树精油也可有效治疗唇疱疹,痤疮,肉赘和肉疣。
Oil type the highest, lowest dry type. ( 3) The occurrence of acne and related symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle. 油型最高,干型最低。(3)痤疮发生以及相关症状的出现与月经周期有关。